Snoreeze Throat Spray
Snoreeze Throat Spray targets the main cause of snoring: dehydration of the soft tissue at the back of the throat. It lubricates the throat to help reduce the vibrations that cause snoring. The formula contains multi-layered microspheres. These encapsulate the active ingredients in the spray. The ‘onion-like’ structures provide a controlled, time-release effect and are clinically proven to be effective for up to 8 hours.
The Throat Spray formulation also:
- Contains tricalcium citrate. This stimulates the body’s natural production of fluid/mucous. This means that hydration increases within the mucosal tissue at the back of the throat.
- Has thermo-gel properties. The formulation leaves the bottle in a fine spray, and turns to a gel when it’s warmed by contact with the mucosal tissue in the throat. The gel then hydrates and lubricates the soft tissue. A gel is more effective than a liquid or a foam, as it’s less likely to be swallowed down – it stays where it’s most effective for up to 8 hours.

Snoreeze Nasal Spray
The Snoreeze Nasal Spray targets snoring caused by a cold, blocked nose, or allergies. When nasal tissue swells during a cold (or allergic reaction), the airflow through the nose becomes blocked or restricted. The Snoreeze Nasal Spray works as a tissue lubricant and a decongestant, opening the airway in the nose to provide snoring relief.
The Nasal Spray formula contains multi-layered microspheres. These encapsulate the active ingredients in the spray. The ‘onion-like’ structures provide a controlled, time-release effect and are clinically proven to be effective for up to 8 hours.
The Nasal Spray formulation also:
- Contains Poloxamer 407. This forms a fine protective film in which sustained relief microspheres slowly release the active ingredients. These hydrate the nasal passage and reduce the vibrations that cause snoring.
- Contains ingredients that have a decongestant effect, such as marigold extract, thyme and lavender. These reduce tissue swelling and open the nasal airway.

Snoreeze Oral Device
The Snoreeze Oral Device is an adjustable mouthpiece that treats loud snoring and sleep apnoea. It works by holding your jaw in the right position to keep your airway open. This allows you to breathe easily and quietly.
Oral devices are also known as mandibular advancement devices, snoring guards and snoring mouthpieces. Adjustable oral devices are approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for the treatment of sleep apnoea.
Mandibular advancement works in two distinct ways: to reduce air turbulence caused by airway obstruction, and to inhibit collapse of the upper airway. By moving the jaw progressively forward, mandibular advancement pulls the tongue and other connected tissues forward. This creates more space between the base of the tongue and the epiglottis. Advancement of the jaw acts on the muscles of the velopharynx and the cross-sectional shape of the upper airway. In a majority of OSA patients, it increases the calibre (or tone) of the velopharynx musculature, making it less prone to collapse.
Clinical studies show that mandibular advancement:
- Tightens the soft tissues of the pharynx’s lateral walls. This reduces air turbulence and the soft tissue vibration that causes snoring.
- Activates the genioglossus muscle and increases airway muscle tone.
- Changes pharyngeal pressures to normalize the physiological properties of the upper airway.