It’s National Stop Snoring Week – here’s what you can do to quit

April 22nd – 28th marks National Stop Snoring Week in the UK.

Did you know that snoring is a surprisingly common issue? Around 42% of the adult population are thought to snore. But despite the high number who admit to it, it’s not actually normal to do so. You might not realize it, but snoring can affect:

  • your ability to concentrate
  • your energy levels
  • your mood
  • your relationship

Dealing with snoring can improve your health – and it can also help you and your partner get a better night’s sleep.

Why do I snore?

When you sleep, your muscles relax – including the ones in your throat. This relaxation can cause your airway to narrow, making it difficult for your lungs to inhale and exhale the amount of air you need.

If your airway narrows, the air you breathe is pulled through it faster. This causes the soft tissue in the airway to dehydrate and vibrate. The sound this makes is what you hear as snoring.

What can I do?

In most cases, you can adapt your lifestyle to reduce your risk of snoring. Cutting down on alcohol, losing weight and quitting cigarettes are all great changes you can make to lower your chances of snoring.

If you’re still snoring, there are many reasons why that might be. Medication, age and predisposition can all play a part, as well as pregnancy and allergies. Snoring caused by these factors can all be managed with the right snoring relief treatment.

There are several types of snoring

Many people aren’t aware that there are different types of snoring. This is why some snoring products may work for you, but others won’t have much effect at all. The information below will help you work out which category of snoring you fall into – and which treatments are most suited to you.

Everyday snoring

This type of snoring occurs when the airway structure and soft tissue in your throat relaxes. As you breathe, this tissue dehydrates and vibrates, causing the sound you hear as snoring.

Snoreeze Oral Strips, Snoreeze Lozenges and Snoreeze Throat Spray all target this type of snoring.

Snoring with congestion

When nasal tissue swells during a cold (or allergic reaction), the airflow through the nose becomes blocked or restricted. This congestion narrows your airway, forcing the air you breathe to travel faster and further dehydrate the tissue. This may force you to breathe through your mouth – and this can lead to a dry mouth, and snoring.

Snoreeze Nasal Spray and Snoreeze Nasal Strips both help target snoring caused by a blocked nose.

Loud snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)

Snoring is caused by the soft tissue in the back of the throat vibrating when your airway relaxes during sleep. For severe snorers, this noise can become incredibly loud. In some cases, the airway becomes so narrow that the walls of the airway stick together and close up. This usually happens for around 10-30 seconds at a time, but can occur for longer. When the airway finally opens up again, you might emit a loud, violent snore. This event is known as an apnoea. Throughout the night, your body will constantly come out of deep sleep in order to breathe properly. Though you might not be aware of it, this is what causes you to feel sleepy the next day.

The Snoreeze Oral Device is a boil-and-bite mouthpiece. It treats OSA and loud snoring by holding your jaw forward while you sleep. This opens your airway and helps you breathe.

It’s important to diagnose your snoring to make sure you have the treatment that’s right for you. If you’re still not sure what type of snorer you are, click here to find out more.

Need some advice?

To celebrate National Stop Snoring Week, we’re running an online Snoring Clinic where you can start a one-to-one chat with a snoring relief expert. We’ll be offering useful advice and tips to find the treatment that’s right for you or your partner. Simply start a chat with us via our website Live Chat during one of our clinic slots this week: 10.30am-12pm, or 2pm-4pm. The Snoring Clinic runs until Friday 26th April – so don’t miss out on the chance to get the sleep you deserve.




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Is snoring bad for your health? Here’s what you need to know
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